Gould Collection
Artist: Loretta Gould
Location: Check-in hall
Loretta Gould is a Mi’kmaq quilter and painter who loves bright, beautiful colours. A self-taught artist, she grew up in Waycobah First Nation, in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. She began painting in 2013 at the Friends United Art Gallery and has been painting ever since. For her, art is a way to express her spiritual feelings on canvas. Her dream is to share her art with the world.
Loretta Gould’s collection of twenty-four paintings was installed at the airport in October 2022, in recognition of Mi’kmaq History Month. This permanent display on windows throughout the airport check-in hall features images of traditional Mi’kmaq culture. The semi-transparent material used to display the artwork allows the sun to shine through, and in the afternoon, the artwork creates colourful reflections throughout the space.
The display reminds everyone that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded land of the Mi’kmaq people, by showcasing traditional Mi’kmaq art as soon as people enter Halifax Stanfield’s doors.

United by our Clans

Midnight Run

Love our Medicine

Surrounded by our Teachings

A Path to our Teachings

Teachings from my Mother

Connected by our Creator

Spirit of the Hunt

Honoring our Teachings

Dragonfly’s Life

A Journey Through 13 Moons

Moose Hunt

Respect our Love

Prayer for New Life

Honouring our Natural Ways

Our Way of Life

Protecting our Ceremonies

Carrying our Future

Protect our Teachings

Respect our Teachings

Grandmother’s Prayer

My Father’s Ways

All our Relations

Seal Hunter