3D Butterfly
Artist: Alan Syliboy
Multimedia Artist: Nance Ackerman
Location: Main Lobby
World-renowned Mi’kmaq artist, Alan Syliboy, partnered with Halifax Stanfield and the province of Nova Scotia to create 3D Butterfly, a 4.5 m. wide by 4.5 m. high mural. The mural was painted live in the airport’s main lobby over three days in August 2013. Alan did this work while standing on scaffolding, two storeys high.
The public was invited to the terminal to watch Alan’s creation unfold in person or view the progress online. The event was live-streamed along with regular updates posted to Facebook and Twitter and the weekend was a celebration of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq culture with music and friends.
A year after 3D Butterfly was completed, award-winning filmmaker, Nance Ackerman provided the debut screening of her short film, Carry Me Home, which chronicles the creation of the painting and explains the symbolism of the butterfly. This night also marked the beginning of the journey the butterfly completed across Nova Scotia, and Canada, in 2015.
The print depicts a butterfly and is done with the Mi’kmaq double-curve motif, which symbolizes life. The butterfly represents the soul’s freedom to wander and flies in the ray of Grandfather Sun, the giver of life.
3D Mimikej
Nuji Natawiteket: Alan Sylliboy
Kaqisimilukwet Internet-iktuk Natawiteket: Nance Ackerman
Welnenu’t Mi’kmaq Nuji Natawiteket , Alan Sylliboy toqi-lukwejik Jipuktukewey Stanfield International Airport aqq maw Nopa Skotia kisitutij “3D Mimikej” u’t 4.5 meter teliske’k aqq 4.5 meter telipitoqsik kisitutij temsaqasikewey napui’kaqn . |U’t napuikaqn etlitasiks~p ke’s wskwijinu’k eymutijik aqq nemitu’tij, teli pekija’lisip to’q si’stewel nakwekl Kisikwekewiku’s 2013ek. Alan u’t kisitoqsip ke’s kaqamit espetek l’kusuaqn kisi aliqamk.
Ms~t wen wikmut klapis kis jiko’taq Alan lukwaqnm aqq ankaptminew ta’n tetuji ki’s kisatoq e’wmitij internet. U’t kisi nemitasitew tan tujiw nasa’sin internet-iktuk aqq kaqisk nakwe’k kekinua’teketoq e’wmitij facebook aqq maw Twitter aqq ikaq tan tujiw kaqi -lukwitmk , na tujiw poqjiaq tan mawi kepmite’tasik Mikmawey u’t Mi’kma’ki .
Ki’s pemiaq newti-punkek “3D Mimikej” kaqi kisatasik , e’pit tan wette’kep wjit eltoql movie’l , Nance Akerman ne’atoqsip tan kisitoqip toqaqjijk movie teliwi’t~ksip , “L’malitesk