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A winter storm is causing several delays and cancellations. If you’re travelling, please confirm your flight status before heading to the airport and give yourself extra time to drive to the road conditions and arrive safely.

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Halifax International Airport Authority (HIAA) is extremely pleased that the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, today announced an investment for the development of the Halifax Stanfield Air Cargo Logistics Park.

Halifax International Airport Authority (HIAA) submitted a revised, unsolicited application to the federal government for the Air Cargo Logistics Park in June 2018. In addition to the federal government’s $18 million in funding for this project, the Province of Nova Scotia is providing $5 million and HIAA will invest the remaining $13 million, with plans to engage tenants and other partners in the cargo logistics chain moving forward.

The funding will allow HIAA to develop the Halifax Stanfield Air Cargo Logistics Park to connect commercial and logistics businesses in Atlantic Canada to air cargo opportunities spanning the globe. It will enhance transportation infrastructure, increase trade, foster export capacity and create jobs, all to the benefit of our province and our region.

The Air Cargo Logistics Park will entail developing new cargo facilities on lands at Halifax Stanfield that are currently vacant. The lands must be cleared and brought to grade to allow for the construction of a new cargo apron area, buildings for cargo handling, and aircraft de-icing facility and associated operational areas both airside and groundside.

As part of our application process, HIAA requested and received the support of all levels of government, private businesses in the cargo logistics chain and partner agencies for the Air Cargo Logistics Park. We thank everyone for their support and look forward to working with our stakeholders as the Air Cargo Logistics Park starts to take shape in 2019 and becomes a reality in late 2020/early 2021.

HIAA is extremely grateful to both the federal and provincial government for investing in Halifax Stanfield, our province and our region.

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